Who We Are
The Lordship of Christ unites those of faith into one body. Let us find God’s path together.
Knox's Vision
Our vision is what we are called to be. At Knox we are called to be an inviting fellowship, scripturally rooted in Christ, that embraces diversity with love and compassion.
Knox's Mission
Our mission is what we are called to do. At Knox we are called to share God's grace and love through joyful worship, mutual support, and reaching out in service to others.
WHO We Are
The Vision and Mission of Knox Presbyterian Church
What We Believe
The many in Christ form one body. The Whole Church is called to keep the unity of the Spirit and to grow up into Christ who is its head. It is Christ who accomplishes God’s work through his earthly body.
The church reaches out to people of every culture and of every lot in life, drawing them together into union with God through the goodness of Jesus Christ shared among them. The unity of the church functions within a divine exchange of power from one part of the body to another.
The diverse church is a powerful expression of the body of Christ. United by Christ, the Christian community of the church functions not as a collection of ethnic constituency groups, but as one diverse fellowship benefiting from the mutual submission of all for the good of the whole.